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Righteous Devil

Righteous Devil

Card Type
Follower / Evolved
Card Set
Booster Set #1 “Advent of Genesis”

Assail. Bane.
Whenever an enemy follower is destroyed, deal 1 damage to its leader and give your leader [defense]+1.


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Card Set

Jun. 30, 2023

Booster Set #1 “Advent of Genesis”


Q627 (Apr. 12, 2024)

QIf this follower fights an enemy follower and both are destroyed, do I deal 1 damage to the enemy follower's leader and give my leader +1 defense?

AYes, you do.

Q282 (Jun. 30, 2023)

QIf this follower fights with an enemy follower and both followers are destroyed due to combat damage, can I still play this follower's ability?

AYes. Even if both followers are destroyed by combat damage, the ability's condition, "whenever an enemy follower is destroyed," is met.

Q219 (Jun. 30, 2023)

QIf I use this follower to attack an enemy follower with 5 attack, and both followers are destroyed by combat damage, does this follower's "Whenever an enemy follower is destroyed, deal 1 damage to its leader and give your leader +1 defense" ability trigger?

AYes, it does.

Q218 (Jun. 30, 2023)

QIf I have 2 copies of this follower on my field, and an enemy follower is destroyed, does each copy's "Whenever an enemy follower is destroyed, deal 1 damage to its leader and give your leader +1 defense" ability trigger?

AYes. Both abilities will trigger.

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