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Witch of Calamity, Millie Parfait

Witch of Calamity, Millie Parfait

Card Type
Mage / Fable
Card Set
Booster Set #3 “Flame of Lævateinn”

[fanfare] Summon a Magic Sediment token. Add 1 to a Stack on your field. Draw a card.
[q][act] Earth Rite: The next spell you play this turn costs 4 less. This ability can be activated once per turn.

Illustration: AINY

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Card Set

Feb. 2, 2024

Booster Set #3 “Flame of Lævateinn”


Q457 (Jan. 31, 2024)

QIf I have 2 copies of this follower on my field, can I activate both their abilities in the same turn?

AYes, you can.

Q456 (Jan. 31, 2024)

QWhat does "Add 1 to a Stack on your field" mean?

AIt means you put a Stack counter on an amulet with Stack on your field.

Q455 (Jan. 31, 2024)

QIf I activate this follower's ability once during my turn, can I activate it once more during my opponent's turn?

AYes, you can.

Q454 (Jan. 31, 2024)

QIf I play this follower's activated ability, then banish 10 spells in my cemetery to play Dimension Shift for 7 play points, does it instead cost 3 to play?

AYes, it does.

Q453 (Jan. 31, 2024)

QIf I play this follower's activated ability, then play a spell for 0 play points with Merlin's On Evolve ability, does the next spell I play cost 4 less?

ANo. The effect of this follower's activated ability applies to the spell you play with Merlin's On Evolve ability.

View the Q&A of other cards 
in this set.