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Curse Crafter

Curse Crafter

Card Type
Follower / Evolved
Card Set
Booster Set #6 “Paragons of the Colosseum”

On Evolve - Select an enemy follower on the field and deal it 2 damage. If there are at least 7 spells and Onmyoji cards in your cemetery, deal 4 damage instead.
[act] Bury a Shikigami follower: Select an enemy follower on the field and deal it 4 damage. For the rest of this turn, this card's [act] abilities can't be activated.

Kouta NagamoriBP06-039EN

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Card Set

Aug. 16, 2024

Booster Set #6 “Paragons of the Colosseum”


Q873 (Aug. 8, 2024)

QIf I bury a Paper Shikigami to pay for the cost of this follower's activated ability to destroy an enemy Servant of Silence, will Paper Shikigami's Last Words ability trigger the Servant of Silence's ability?

ANo. By the time you resolve Paper Shikigami's "Discard a card," the Servant of Silence is already destroyed and no longer on the field, so its ability will not trigger.

Q812 (Aug. 8, 2024)

QCan I activate this follower's ability and bury a Shikigami follower even if there are no selectable enemy followers on the field?

ANo. If you can't select an enemy follower on the field, you can't activate this follower's ability.

Q811 (Aug. 8, 2024)

QIf there are 2 copies of this follower on my field, can I activate each copy's ability in the same turn?

AYes, you can.

Q810 (Aug. 8, 2024)

QIf I activate this follower's ability and then evolve it, can I activate the evolved form's ability in the same turn?

ANo, you can't.

View the Q&A of other cards 
in this set.