1. HOME

A barren wasteland stretches into the horizon, ravaged by an eternal war.
At its heart lies the Grail of Glory, a mystical item said to grant the wishes of any who seize it.

You are a Seeker, a pursuer of this legend and willing participant in this war.
For any hope of victory, you must utilize your Gift—a companion,
 or power—to aid you in your quest.
But do not delay, as other Seekers crave the Grail... and only one may claim it.

In this world, where might is law, will you fall to the whims of the strong?
Or will you rise above the rabble to seize glory, now and forevermore?

Welcome to Gloryfinder.

Guide to Glory

As you gaze upon the endless fray, you are greeted by a curious group.
They say every journey begins with a single step, but yours begins with a choice.
Before you stand four heroes, each with their own motives for helping you claim the Grail:

One fights to end this eternal conflict.
One laughs at the frivolity of it all.
One desires to test their true mettle.
One hopes for simple entertainment.

Each has deemed you worthy, and each offers you power beyond your comprehension.
Whose aid will you accept?


Exalted Blade

Pharrell is a selfless hero who wanders these war-torn lands.
He voluntarily bears his cursed blade, for if he did not, who would?

“This endless cycle of war is a curse,
and it must be broken.”

Ravaging Creator

Belphomet is a crazed inventor and invader, hailing from another world. His overwhelming brilliance and cybernetic augmentations are but a mask for his many other flaws.

“A grail? Pathetic. As if I’d need a
measly cup to attain my wishes.”

Everlasting Garnet

Mono is a sentient robot from another dimension.
She views this world as the perfect stage to test the
performance of her frame.

“My, what a hostile place.
But I suppose it shall do to test my limits.”

Eagle Eye

Nadia is a seasoned sniper, a hero who grew up amidst the Seeker wars. To her, the battlefield is a game, won by whoever collects the most headshots.

“Hmm. I spy with my little eye...
a dead man walking.”

Key Terms

A Sundered World

A barren world dictated by perpetual war. Settlements are few and far between, offering temporary refuge for the weak. The strong, in contrast, are locked in eternal conflict, for the fallen are doomed to rise again. In this world where death offers no mercy, Seekers reign supreme.

This is where games of Gloryfinder are conducted.


Visitors from another world, Seekers have the ability to select and manipulate Gifts. It is unknown how many Seekers currently exist, or how many will appear, but one thing is clear: there is no cost they wouldn't pay to acquire the Grail.

You and your opponents are Seekers.


Gifts are special boons which, depending on the whims of their respective Seeker, manifest as followers, amulets, or spells. Once bound, a Seeker can call their Gift at will.

Gifts appear in game as "glory cards."

The Grail of Glory

To some, it is a symbol of hope. To others, it is an object of greed. Regardless of intention, the covetous gazes are the same. For it is said that whosoever possesses the Grail will rule the world and fulfill their deepest desires.

Defeat the other Seekers to claim the Grail.


Powerful figures from this world and beyond, heroes lend their aid to Seekers they deem worthy. They act as generals, providing support and leading the warfront.

Each deck consists of troops and stratagems unique to each hero.

Gloryfinder Cards

Gloryfinder-exclusive cards have the word "Gloryfinder" printed at the bottom of their frame. These cards are designed to be more powerful than regular cards in order to make multiplayer battles as exciting as possible.

Some Gloryfinder cards become even more powerful when your leader is a certain class.

Exclusive Card Reveals

Basics of Gloryfinder

Gloryfinder Rules

Learn by Watching

Gloryfinder Promotional Video

Basics of 
Shadowverse: Evolve

For Beginners

Play Guide

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Gloryfinder Events

Gloryfinder Trials

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Guide to Glory Release Events

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Gloryfinder Clash

Gloryfinder Quest