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Booster Set #10: Gods of the Arcana

"Flip fate on its head."


Product Information


2nd Anniversary Cards


To celebrate the English edition's second anniversary, each card pack has a chance of containing an "Anniversary" card with a hot-stamped serial number ranging from 1 to 10!


Box Topper Leader Cards


New leader cards such as Fennie, Resplendent Phoenix and Aenea, Gentle Amethyst will make their appearance alongside ten of the Omens, who are making a triumphant comeback since their debut in the fifth booster set, Omens Eternal. Each box will have a chance to contain a leader card.


Debut of Advanced Cards


Look out for the new, powerful "advanced" cards that each have their own unique summoning conditions.


Tarot-inspired Cards


Divine your destinies with tarot-inspired cards that have the new "Arcana" trait like VII. Oluon, the Chariot and VI. Milteo, the Lovers.


Booster Set #10 "Gods of the Arcana"
June 20, 2025
USD 4.50 per pack
USD 54.00 per box

1 pack: 8 cards
1 box: 12 packs


Cards Included

Cards by Rarity (122 in total)
B (Bronze): 40
S (Silver): 28
G (Gold): 28
L (Legendary): 26
*In addition, there are a total of 28 foiled versions of Bronze, Silver, and Gold cards.
*Each pack contains at least one Gold card or better.
*Each box contains at least one Super Legendary card or better.


Special Foils (33 in total)
SL (Super Legendary): 26
U (Ultimate): 7
*Super Legendary cards are foiled versions of Legendary cards with a different frame design.
*Ultimate cards are foiled versions of base-rarity cards with a different illustration and frame design.


Token Cards: 15 (2 new + 13 reprints)
Anniversary Cards: 9 (10 copies per card)


Box Toppers
Leader Cards: 14
*Each box will have a chance to contain a leader card as a box topper.