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Crossover Set: Cardfight!! Vanguard

"Stand Up, Vanguard!"


Product Information


Crossover Details


Box Toppers





New leader cards, and Evolution Points featuring key visuals from the CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD animation series, make their grand debut! Each box will include one of two types of special card packs as a bonus.


Pack Type 1: Contains 1 of 6 thick leader cards and a thin Evolution Point card.
Pack Type 2: Contains 1 of 6 thin leader cards and 1 of 10 thick Evolution Point cards.


*Only thick box topper leader cards can be scanned with the Shadowverse: Evolve Sidekick app.
*Box toppers will only be available in the first print of the product.

Original Illustrations


Crossover Set "Cardfight!! Vanguard"
August 15, 2025
USD 4.50 per pack
USD 54.00 per box

1 pack: 8 cards
1 box: 12 packs


Cards Included

Cards by Rarity
B (Bronze): 42
S (Silver): 30
G (Gold): 24
L (Legendary): 25
*In addition, there are a total of 86 foiled versions of Bronze, Silver, and Gold cards.
*Each pack contains at least one Gold card or better.
*Each box contains at least one Super Legendary card or better.


Special Foils
SL (Super Legendary): 25
U (Ultimate): 6
*Super Legendary cards are foiled versions of Legendary cards with a different frame design.
*Ultimate cards are foiled versions of base-rarity cards with a different illustration and frame design.


Drive Point: 1