QWhen constructing a deck, is it a requirement to have at least 1 follower, spell, and amulet?
ANo. You may have 0 cards of a certain type in your deck.
QWhen constructing a deck, is it okay to use only Neutral cards?
AYes, it is.
QCan I play the game without any cards in my evolve deck?
AYes. The evolve deck may contain anywhere between 0 and 10 cards.
QIf I have 3 copies of a follower with an evolve ability in my main deck, do I need 3 evolved followers of the same name in my evolve deck?
ANo. You do not need to have the same number of cards with the same name in both your main deck and evolve deck.
QCan I redraw my starting hand?
AYes. During game preparation, each player may choose to redraw once after checking their starting hand. To redraw, put all cards in your hand on the bottom of your deck in any order, and then draw 4 cards from the top. The player going first does this first, followed by the player going second.
QWhat's a restricted card?
AVarious restrictions may be placed on cards as the game evolves. A restricted card is one that currently has a restriction placed on it. Currently, the only restricted cards are "restricted to 1," which means you may only include a single copy of each when constructing a deck. Restrictions apply to all sanctioned tournaments.
QCan I put 5 followers and 5 amulets onto my field?
ANo. Each player's field is limited to a total of 5 cards.
QCan I only put followers, amulets, and tokens of those types in my EX area?
ANo. Unlike the field, you can also put spells and spell tokens into your EX area.
QIf my opponent has no cards left in their main deck, do I win the game?
ANot necessarily. You win the game if your opponent has to draw a card when there are no cards in their deck.
QCan my leader's defense go above 20 due to a card ability?
AYes. There is no limit to your leader's defense.
QCan my follower's defense go above its default value due to a card ability?
AYes. There is no limit to a follower's defense.
QWhen deciding who goes first, are the players allowed to check the cards in their hand?
ANo. Players may only look at their hand after the player going first has been decided.
QWhen redrawing cards at the start of the game, am I allowed to redraw only part of my hand?
ANo. You must redraw your whole hand.
QDo I need to perform all start phase actions?
AYes. Unless an ability or effect prevents you from doing something, you must perform all actions.
QCan I play a card or activated ability with Quick when my follower attacks or during my own end phase?
ANo. Cards and activated abilities with Quick can only be played during your main phase, when an opponent's follower attacks, or during your opponent's end phase.
QIf I play a card or activated ability with Quick when my opponent's follower attacks or during my opponent's end phase, do I have to pay the cost?
AYes. Regardless of when you play it, the cost must still be paid.
QOutside of my main phase, after I play a card or ability with Quick, can I play another one?
AYes, you can.
QCan I play multiple cards and/or abilities at the same time?
ANo. You can only play 1 at a time.
QWhen evolving, if the cost is 2 play points, can I use evolution points to pay the full cost?
ANo. You can only use 1 evolution point per evolution.
QWhen evolving, if the cost is 1 play point, can I use an evolution point to pay it?
AYes, you can.
QIf I attack with a follower, must I attack with all my followers?
ANo. You can choose any 1 of your followers to attack with.
QCan I attack with 2 followers at the same time?
ANo. Generally, followers can only attack 1 at a time.
QCan followers attack while engaged?
ANo. Unless allowed by an ability or effect, engaged followers cannot attack.
QWhen 2 followers are in combat, does the attacking follower take damage from the follower being attacked?
AYes. In combat, both followers deal damage to each other.
QIf I have 8 cards in hand at the end of my opponent's turn, do I have to discard down to 7 cards?
ANo. You only need to discard cards if you have 8 or more cards during your own end phase.
QIf a card with Last Words is banished, does its Last Words ability trigger?
ANo. Last Words only triggers when the card is put into the cemetery from the field.
QIf a follower I selected as an attack target leaves the field before combat due to a card or ability, can I select a new target for that attack?
ANo. The attack would end without the attacking follower entering combat.
QWhen playing a follower or amulet with Fanfare, if the Fanfare ability cannot be resolved, can I still play the follower or amulet?
AYes. Fanfare abilities are automatically triggered when the card comes onto the field, so there is no issue with playing the follower or amulet itself.
QWhen playing a spell that requires an enemy follower on the field to be selected, if there are no enemy followers on the field, can I still play the spell?
ANo. If a spell does not have a valid target, it cannot be played.
QCan cards in the EX area be played like cards in the hand?
AYes, they can.
QIf I have a total of 5 followers and/or amulets on my field, can I play a new follower or amulet by moving a follower or amulet from my field to the cemetery and putting the new one on the field?
ANo. If your field is at its card limit, then you cannot play the follower or amulet, and the game returns to the point before you elected to play it.
QIf my EX area has reached its card limit, can I put new cards or tokens into it?
ANo, you cannot.
QCan I play an evolve ability on my first turn?
AYes, as long as you can pay the cost.
QIf I evolve a follower that has been on my field since the previous turn, can it attack an enemy leader?
AYes, it can.
QCan I engage a follower on the same turn it came onto the field to pay the cost of one of its abilities?
AYes, you can.
QIn what order are the end phase actions carried out?
AFirst, any abilities that start with "At the start of your (next) end phase" or "At the start of each player's end phase" are played. Next, followers with Ward may be engaged. Finally, the non-active player may play cards and abilities with Quick.
QIf my leader's defense is 1, can I still pay an ability cost that requires me to subtract 2 defense from my leader?
ANo. You cannot pay the cost if it would result in your defense becoming a negative value.
QIf an automatic ability such as Fanfare has a cost and I am able to pay it, can I choose not to?
AYes. Even if it is an automatic ability, the cost makes it optional.
QCan the non-active player play cards and abilities with Quick before the active player attacks with a follower?
ANo. The non-active player can only play cards and abilities with Quick after the active player has declared an attack with a follower, or during the active player's end phase. Furthermore, Strike abilities, abilities that start with "At the start of your (next) end phase" or "At the start of each player's end phase," and the engaging of followers with Ward during the end phase all happen before cards or abilities with Quick can be played.
QDuring my own turn, can I play Quick cards at any time other than when I can play cards without Quick?
ANo. The active player can only play cards with Quick as they would any other card.
QWhen a racing follower leaves the field, where do I put the Carrot(s) beneath it?
APut them faceup in their owner's evolve deck. Just like faceup evolved followers, faceup Carrots cannot be served to followers for the rest of the game.
QIf my leader card has both a class and a universe, do I have to declare which my deck is based on?
AYes. Declare which class or universe your deck is based on when you reveal your leader card during game preparations.
QDoes serving a Carrot to a follower count as playing a card?
ANo, it doesn't.
QCan I use a non-Umamusume Evolution Point card towards paying a serve cost?
AYes, you can.
QCan a follower have negative attack?
AYes. For example, if a follower with 0 attack is given -1 attack, its attack becomes -1. However, note that when a follower with 0 or less attack deals attack or combat damage, no damage is dealt at all (it doesn't count as dealing damage).
QIf a follower with -1 attack is given +1 attack, does its attack become 0?
AYes, it does.
QWhat does "evolve" mean?
AEvolve abilities allow you to bring an evolved follower of the same name from your evolve deck onto the field by paying the indicated cost.
However, this does not count as putting a follower onto the field, and therefore does not satisfy conditions of the form "when(ever) X is put onto your field."
QWhat does "Quick" mean?
AQuick is an ability that allows the card to be played at certain times during your opponent's turn.
Cards with Quick can be played as usual during your main phase, during your opponent's turn when one of their followers attacks, and during your opponent's end phase.
Cards with this ability will have in their text.
QWhat does "Fanfare" mean?
AFanfare is an ability that is triggered when the card is put onto the field, such as from the hand, EX area, or cemetery.
Fanfare abilities are denoted by a in card text.
QWhat does "Last Words" mean?
ALast Words is an ability that is triggered when the card is put into the cemetery from the field.
It will not trigger if the card is put into the cemetery from a zone other than the field.
Last Words abilities are denoted by a in card text.
QWhat does "Ward" mean?
AWard is a keyword ability that followers may have.
When there is an engaged follower with Ward on the field, other targets cannot be attacked.
If there are multiple engaged followers with Ward on the same field, the attacking player may select which follower to attack from among them.
QWhat does "Storm" mean?
AStorm is a keyword ability that followers may have.
Followers with Storm can attack the enemy leader and engaged enemy followers even if they were put onto the field that turn.
QWhat does "Rush" mean?
ARush is a keyword ability that followers may have.
Followers with Rush can attack engaged enemy followers even if they were put onto the field that turn.
QWhat does "Assail" mean?
AAssail is a keyword ability that followers may have.
Followers with Assail can also attack reserved enemy followers.
QWhat does "Intimidate" mean?
AIntimidate is a keyword ability that followers may have.
Followers with Intimidate cannot be attacked by an enemy follower.
QWhat does "Drain" mean?
ADrain is a keyword ability that followers may have.
When a follower with Drain deals damage to an enemy leader or follower, its leader's defense increases by a value equal to the damage dealt.
QWhat does "Bane" mean?
ABane is a keyword ability that followers may have.
Followers that attack or are attacked by a follower with Bane are destroyed after combat.
QWhat does "Aura" mean?
AAura is a keyword ability that cards may have.
Cards with Aura cannot be selected by an opponent's cards or abilities.
QWhat does "Combo (X)" mean?
ACombo is a keyword ability that cards and abilities may have.
Combo counts the number of cards you've played that turn, and provides additional effects if that number is equal to or greater than the number indicated by X.
When a card with Combo is played, that card itself is included in the count.
QWhat does "Spellchain (X)" mean?
ASpellchain is a keyword ability that cards and abilities may have.
Spellchain counts the number of spells in your cemetery, and provides additional effects if that number is equal to or greater than the number indicated by X.
When a spell with Spellchain is played, that spell itself is not included in the count.
This ability may be abbreviated to "SC (X)."
QWhat does "Stack" mean?
AStack is a keyword ability that some amulets have.
Amulets with Stack are put onto the field with a Stack counter on top, and have the following abilities:
- When this card would leave the field, remove a Stack counter instead.
- If this card has 0 Stack counters, destroy it.
- Engage this card: Select another amulet with Stack on your field and transfer all this card’s Stack counters to that card.
QWhat does "Earth Rite" mean?
AEarth Rite is a keyword ability that cards and abilities may have.
Earth Rite provides additional effects when you play the card or ability if you choose to pay the cost of removing a Stack counter from an amulet on your field.
If that amulet is left without any Stack counters as a result, it goes into your cemetery.
Even if there is a Stack counter on your field, you are not required to pay the cost.
QWhat does "Overflow" mean?
AOverflow is a keyword that cards and abilities may have.
Overflow is considered "active" for you if your maximum number of play points is at least 7.
QWhat does "Necrocharge (X)" mean?
ANecrocharge is a keyword ability that cards and abilities may have.
Necrocharge counts the number of cards in your cemetery, and provides additional effects if that number is equal to or greater than the number indicated by X.
This ability may be abbreviated to "NC (X)."
QWhat does "Sanguine" mean?
ASanguine is a keyword ability that cards and abilities may have.
Sanguine is considered "active" for you if it's your turn and your leader has lost defense that turn.
QWhat does "choose" mean?
AWhen instructed to "choose," select the specified number of options from among those listed and apply the indicated effects.
Options not selected will have no effect.
QDo abilities such as Fanfare count toward my Combo as well?
ANo. Combo only counts the number of cards you've played. Note that cards and tokens put onto or created on your field by an ability (such as Aria, Fairy Princess's Fanfare ability) do not count towards the number of cards you've played. However, cards played from your EX area will count toward your Combo.
QCan followers with Assail ignore an engaged enemy follower with Ward and attack other followers?
ANo. The engaged follower with Ward must be attacked first.
QIf a Stack amulet with 2 or more Stack counters is destroyed by Execution, does it remain on the field?
AYes. The Stack ability allows the card to remain on the field by removing a Stack counter from it.
QIf my follower evolves into a follower with multiple On Evolve abilities, do I play all of them?
AYes, you do.
QWhat is a serve ability?
A"Serve" is an activated ability which involves paying a certain cost to "race" an Umamusume follower. To play a follower's serve ability, pay the specified play point cost and put the specified number of Carrot cards from your evolve deck beneath the follower. Racing a follower triggers its On Race abilities and gives it Rush.
QCan racing followers evolve?
AYes. If a racing follower has an evolve ability, it can evolve.
QCan I evolve and serve a follower in the same turn?
ANo. You only get one chance per turn to either evolve or serve a follower.
QCan I use one evolution point in place of one play point when paying a serve cost, just like with an evolution cost?
AYes, you can.
QWhat does "On Race" mean?
AOn Race is an ability that triggers when the follower races—that is, when you play its serve ability.
QWhat's a Fable counter?
AFable counters are put on and removed from cards by abilities. To put a Fable counter on a card, place an object on the card which all players can easily distinguish as a Fable counter. A card can have multiple Fable counters. When a card moves from the field to anywhere other than the field, it loses all its counters. However, when a card moves from the EX area to the field, it keeps its counters.
QWhat does "summon" mean?
ATo summon a card means to put or move it onto the field. To summon a token means to create and put the specified token onto the field.
You may also be asked to summon cards from specific zones such as your cemetery or EX area.
QWhat does "bury" mean?
ATo bury a card means to put or move it into its owner's cemetery as part of a cost or effect. Unless otherwise specified, the card must be on your field.
You may also be asked to bury cards from specified zones such as your deck or EX area.
Note that burying a card is not the same as destroying it, even though they both involve moving a card into the cemetery.
QWhat is Lesson (X)?
ALesson (X) is a special notation meaning "banish X cards named Magical Item from your EX area." For example, in order for
", Lesson (1): Give this follower
+1" to trigger, you must pay 2 play points and banish 1 Magical Item from your EX area.
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