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What is Gloryfinder?

Gloryfinder is a casual gameplay format designed for 3 or more players.


Deck Construction

Glory Card

  • Designate a card from your leader's class as your glory card.

*More information about glory cards can be found here.


Main Deck

  • Your main deck should contain 50 cards with no duplicates.
  • Your main deck can contain cards that aren't from your leader's class.
  • Your main deck cannot contain your designated glory card.
  • If a card ability states that multiple copies of a card may be put into your main deck, then your main deck may contain that many copies.


Evolve Deck

  • Your evolve deck should contain up to 20 cards with no duplicates.
  • Your evolve deck can contain cards that aren't from your leader's class.
  • If a card ability states that multiple copies of a card may be put into your evolve deck, then your evolve deck may contain that many copies (e.g., Carrot, which has the ability "You can put up to 10 of this card into your evolve deck").


Victory Conditions

The last player standing wins the game.
Players lose if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Their leader's defense is reduced to 0.
  • They must draw a card but they have no cards in their deck.


Cards owned by defeated players are removed from play.


Before the Game

① Take your seats and select your decks.
Each player places their leader and glory card faceup in their leader area. Then, each player shuffles their main deck and places it and their evolve deck in the designated areas.


② To choose who plays first, play rock-paper-scissors or roll dice. Play proceeds clockwise from that player.


③ Distribute evolution points as follows:

  • The first player: 0
  • The second player: 1
  • The third player: 2
  • The fourth player: 3

...And so on.


④ Each player draws 4 cards. Then each player has one chance to mulligan (redraw their hand), beginning with the first player. To mulligan, put your starting hand on the bottom of your deck in any order and draw 4 new cards.


⑤ Each player sets their max play points to 2, their remaining play points to 0, and their leader's defense to 30.


⑥ All players shout "Shadowverse showdown!" to begin the match.
*Unlike in regular play, the player going first also gets to draw a card on their first turn. All other rules are the same as regular play.



Whenever a follower attacks and at the end of each player's turn, each non-active player may take turns playing cards with Quick (in a clockwise direction).


Glory Cards

  • While your glory card is in your leader area, it can be played as if it were in your hand.
  • Glory cards are treated like any other card once played (e.g., a follower would first be put onto your field, and then into your cemetery when destroyed). They do not return to the leader area. However, they may be returned to your hand or deck, so we recommend using the same sleeves for both your glory card and your main deck.





Frequently Asked Questions

Note that the following answers are tentative and subject to change as the game evolves.


Q: Can I attack multiple opponents during the same turn?

A: Yes. Each attack may have a different target. For example, you can attack Opponent A's leader with Follower 1 and then attack Opponent B's leader with Follower 2.




Q: If Player A has an engaged follower with Ward on the field, and Player B doesn't, can I still attack Player B's leader?

A: Yes. Followers with Ward only protect their controllers.




Q: If it's not my turn and another player is being attacked, can I still play cards/abilities with Quick?

A: Yes, you can.




Q: If my main deck, evolve deck, and glory card consist only of cards from the same universe, does it count as being based on a universe?

A: Yes, as long as you declare which universe it is based on when you reveal your leader card. Additionally, if your deck is based on a universe, you may designate a glory card that isn't from your leader's class.




Q: If a follower that "can't be destroyed by abilities" takes damage from an ability that brings its defense to 0, does it get destroyed?

A: Yes. "Can't be destroyed by abilities" means if a spell or ability instructs a player to "destroy" that card, it doesn't get destroyed. If its defense becomes 0 or less, it is destroyed as normal through rules handling.




Q: If a card tells me to "summon" a follower from somewhere, can I put it into my EX area?

A: No. To "summon" a card means to put it onto your field.




Q: If a card tells me to "bury a follower," can I choose to bury an enemy follower?

A: No. You can only bury cards you control. To "bury a follower" means to put a follower from your field into its owner's cemetery.




Q: If my glory card has an ability that states that a certain number of copies of it may be put into my main deck, can I put a copy of it into my main deck?

A: No. Gloryfinder deck construction rules take precedence, so your main deck cannot contain any copies of your glory card.